2011年11月12日 |
2011年11月12日 |
2011年11月12日 |
2011年11月12日 |
Due to the fluctuation in the financial market, we would remind you that you must follow the “Acknowledgement by Client” and ”Terms and Conditions for Trading Account”, and fully understand the “Risk Disclosure Statement” including but not limited to the following statements,
Risk Disclosure Statement
Risk Disclosure:
The following risk disclosure statements cannot disclose all the risks involved. You should undertake your own research and study before you trade or invest. You should carefully consider whether trading or investment is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. You are advised to seek independent financial and professional advice before you trade or invest. You should seek independent professional advice if you are uncertain of or have not understood any aspect of the following risk disclosure statements or the nature and risks involved in trading or investment.
以下風險披露聲明不能披露所有涉及的風險。在進行交易或投資前,客戶應負責本身的資料蒐集及研究。客戶應按本身的財政狀況及投資目標謹慎考慮是否適宜進行交易或投資。 本公司建議客戶於進行交易或投資前應尋求獨立的財務及專業意見。假如客戶不確定或不明白任何有關以下風險披露聲明或在進行交易或投資中所涉及的性質及風險,客戶應尋求獨立的專業意見。
Risk of Margin Trading:
If you cannot maintain sufficient funds or stocks for margin loan financing, you may sustain losses due to the position being liquidated without prior notice and the request of compensation for all losses of the company.
You may sustain losses as《Stock Margin Ratio》may be changed according to the market conditions and stock margin loan financing maybe terminated at any time without prior notice.
Risk of Futures & Options Trading:
You may be requested to maintain a higher level of margin, as the margin requirement is determined by the company and adjusted according to the market conditions from time to time.
If you cannot maintain the required margin in your Stock Futures/Options Account, you may sustain losses due to all or any of your position(s) being closed or executed by the company without your consent.
2011年11月12日 |
2011年11月12日 |
2011年11月12日 |
2011年11月12日 |
貴客請注意: |
如有查詢請致電銷售及客戶服務部(852) 25 371 371或聯絡各分行。
2011年11月12日 |
多重優惠,勿失良機!請到鄰近分行開設「權證特惠戶口」,欲進一步了解耀才「權證特惠戶口」詳情,請致電銷售及客戶服務部(852) 25371371或聯絡各分行。